Zorgon Peterson's Mandalay
First Look
Manadaly Specs
Core Internal: All Size 5 (except size 4 LS)
Utilities: 4 (2 top 2 bottom)
Hardpoints: 4M 2S
Optionals: 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Min-Max Jump: 84.11 LY Laden / 91.41 LY Unladen
Exploration Jump: 76.32 LY Laden / 80.36 LY Unladen
Dry Hull Mass: 230t
Can Jump While Scooping: Yes
Max Speed: 591 m/s
February 26, 3311​
We're pleased to announce that the Mandalay is now available for purchase in game without spending ARX!
September 25, 3310
New details released about Zorgon Peterson's new Mandalay, the hottest new exploration ship on the market. Before we dive in, here are the specs we know so far:
Core Internals: All size 5 except for the Life Support, which is size 4
Optional Internals: 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Hardpoints: 4M, 2S
Utilities: To be announced
The Mandalay releases October 22, 3310, alongside PowerPlay 2.0 and Elite Dangerous: Ascendancy. It's primarily an exploration ship, and fits on a medium pad. Per FDev, "When maximizing jump range, it will beat the Anaconda AND it will be a nimble ship to fly." How nimble? It'll be as nimble as the Diamondback Explorer, if not more so.
The Mandalay features a Mamba-esque cockpit with a downward facing "glass floor", perfect for looking out for exobiology samples. It has a reworked SCO with lower speed, but much better fuel economy--perfect for getting out to that distant planet to scan without needing to call the Fuel Rats!
Based on the jump range, we're expecting a dry hull mass somewhere around 230 tons, but that is yet to be determined. With four medium and two small hardpoints it may be a viable combat ship; however, the speed and agility makes evasion a better option. The Mandalay will have space for up to 3 SRVs, but will not be equipped with a fighter bay. It's a dual seater, so taking your best friend exploring is an option!
Pre-Rendered Images
Rendered Images
Ship Kits
Frontier Unlocked
Please note: This is the entire Frontier Unlocked livestream, the Elite Dangerous segment begins at timestamp 1:08:22. To watch on YouTube beginning at that timestamp, click HERE!